Wednesday, February 18, 2015

DZone shortest code to print first 30 fibonacci numbers without using numbers

There's interesting challenge on Dzone website. The task is to print Fibonacci sequence for first 30 numbers in the format "order: fib number". Once constraint is that you can't use any numbers in the code. Shortest answer wins.
My take on that problem in Ruby is here (85characters):
[edit] During morning run I've realised that using array is just PITA and by getting rid of indexes for last and previous elements I can save some space (64 characters):
Code snippet - 30 fibonacci numbers without using numbers in Ruby on Snipplr

[edit] Since there was groovy solution with 64 characters I've shaved off another two getting down to 62.
Code snippet - 30 Fibonacci Numbers Without Using Numbers In Ruby(62) on Snipplr

Later when I read discussion they have dropped requirement to use : in the output so I decided to update solution and found another nifty trick to get rid of another two characters ending up at 58(60) chars which can be easily reduced to 57 by removing whitespace after p.

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